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Issue #1: New Beginnings


Excitement (Tyler McDowell), Identity (Heidi Hicks), Isolation (Heidi Hicks), Mortality (Heidi Hicks)


Click on the covers to download a PDF

Created in January of 2021, Cigar City Youth Press is a youth-led and run organization that works to foster community and connection across the diverse youth of the Tampa Bay area, through art and writing.

This is the first issue of our flagship project, Cigar City Youth Zine. CCYP reached out to high school and college clubs, and community organizations to get the word out about our project.

We had to work fast, so our reach turned out to be smaller than we had hoped. But support from enthusiastic teachers, students, and community leaders made up for it.

Featuring four works from two incredible students from the Tampa Bay area, Cigar City Youth Press is proud to present the culmination of that effort.

Standard edition

Dyslexia-friendly edition

This version uses a font designed to be more legible to readers with dyslexia. This may compromise the aesthetics of the layout.